Daily Routine
As a Montessori nursery we believe that a basic structure to the day can enhance a child’s experience and give them comfort in routine. However, the children are not interrupted in their ‘work’ and we are flexible in our timings and respect the individual child and the choices they wish to make. The staff are on hand to guide the child through the day.
0900 Welcome in and free choice play from the shelves
0930 1:1 Montessori work with sensorial equipment and Adult-led activity
1030 Circle time with theme based or practical life discussions
1050 Snack time
1100 Outdoor play for those who want to
1200 End of morning session
1205 Quiet game followed by story time
1215 Lunchtime
1300 Afternoon session begins with free choice from the shelves
1330 Outdoor play for those who want to
1430 Adult-led activity for those who want to join in
1500 Snack time
1515 Story time
1530 Home time